ISKO Italy Meeting
"Knowledge Organization and Representation:
Convergences and New Opportunities"
University of Calabria, Arcavacata di Rende (CS), April 10-11, 2025
The International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO) brings
together scholars
interested in how information contents can be structured in knowledge
organization systems
(KOSs) such as classifications, thesauri, taxonomies, ontologies,
semantic networks, etc. The
principles underlying these systems are conceptual in nature and have
traditionally been
identified intellectually. However, they are now increasingly supported
by automatic natural
language processing (NLP) techniques and other artificial intelligence
techniques. The
conference aims to connect these different aspects, viewing them not as
competitors but as
allies with the common goal of structuring and using knowledge,
exploring them from an
interdisciplinary perspective including information science,
text and document science, linguistics, computer science, and
philosophy. Contributions are invited on the following topics:
- principles and techniques of knowledge
- documentary languages and knowledge
organization systems (KOSs);
- ontologies and Semantic Web representation
languages (SKOS, RDF, OWL, SPARQL,
- knowledge graphs and artificial intelligence
for knowledge organization;
- applications based on the conceptual
structuring of information;
- application of KO solutions to information
systems with specific purposes and/or targeted
to particular user groups.
conference is organized by the Documentation Laboratory, Department of
Cultures, Education and Society of the University of Calabria, the
Institute of Informatics and Telematics, National Research Council
(IIT-CNR), Unit of Cosenza, and the Italian Chapter of ISKO and will be
held in person at the University of Calabria. As is customary, the
event will also be an opportunity for the presentation of scientific
activities related to the themes of the conference by ISKO
Call for papers
Deadline for extended
abstract submission (1000-1200 words, including bibliography): December 20, 2024 January 12, 2025
Notification of
acceptance to authors: January 31, 2025 February 10, 2025
April 10-11, 2025
Deadline for full paper
submission: July 15, 2025
Notification of
acceptance to authors: September
30, 2025
Camera-ready submission:
October 20, 2025
Proceedings publication: December 2025
Participation Modes
Presenters in person, participants in person and/or online.
Proposals, written in Italian or English, must be submitted anonymously
in .doc or .docx format to the following address:
iskoitalia2025@labdoc.it. Submitted proposals will undergo a
double-blind review process and will be published in issue 3-4
July-December 2025 of AIDAinformazioni: Rivista di Scienze
dell’Informazione (ISSN: 1121-0095,
Information about registration
will be available closer to the conference date.
Georg Gottlob, University of Calabria
The detailed programme will
be available closer to the conference date.
Scientific Committee
Bianchini, University
of Pavia
Joseph Busch,
Taxonomy Strategies
Luca Giusti,
Liguria Digitale
Claudio Gnoli,
University of Pavia
Koraljka Golub,
Linnaeus University
Gianluigi Greco,
University of Calabria
Roberto Guarasci,
University of Calabria
Piero Innocenti, formerly University of
Riccardo Ridi, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
Anna Rovella,
University of Calabria
Marcin Trzmielewski,
Université Paul Valéry -
Montpellier III
Organizing Committee
Aracri, IIT-CNR
Elena Cardillo,
Susie Caruso,
University of Calabria
Maria Teresa Chiaravalloti,
Martin Critelli, Sorbonne Abu Dhabi University
Antonietta Folino,
University of Calabria
Maria Teresa Guaglianone,
Claudia Lanza,
University of Calabria
Erika Pasceri,
University of Calabria
Technical Secretariat
Camillo Arena,
Antonio Stumpo,
Editorial Secretariat
Valeria Rovella,
University of Calabria
Grazia Serratore,
University of Calabria
(+39) 0984 494102