The Lab

The Lab, which was created on  April 23, 1996 as a research unit belonging to the Department of Linguistics at the University of Calabria, brings together all the expertise in the areas of archival and documentation studies at the University. It is considered a national reference centre for research and consultancy in the fields of documentation organization and management, of indexing and classification systems, and of knowledge and content management, obtaining the recognition of Unesco as an accredited center and the assignment of significant commissions by both the public and private sectors. In the abovementioned areas, the lab promotes and runs post-diploma and post-graduate training courses, as well as technology transfer for Public Administrations.

The Lab, which houses the Center of Excellence, and the Organizational Support Unit of the National Research Council has developed an integrated structure which has created operational synergy between the University and NRC through a model oriented towards the integration between academic culture and applicable and industrial reality. As a research center, over the years, the lab has hosted PhD students who, after a mandatory period of stay abroad, have returned, and has become the breeding ground for most of the research staff in service today at the laboratory and NRC research units. Thus, boasting an employment rate much higher than the national average and almost double that of the regional average. From its establishment to today, the laboratory has established working and consultancy relations with numerous public and private, national and international agencies by successfully participating in research and consultancy calls in the public and private spheres.